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Sextortion: An organized attack against youth receives an average of 7 sextortion reports per day. We have information on how it occurs, ways you can help prevent it, and what teens can do if it happens to them.

Learn more here

Make a report

If you have concerns about shared intimate images, online luring, and other areas involving child victimization on the internet, we can help.

Report to

Project Arachnid

Project Arachnid is currently issuing thousands of notices per month, and this number continues to climb.

Learn about how we are using this innovative technology to curb the public availability of child sexual abuse material, and the support we offer to survivors.

Learn about Project Arachnid Alerts

Keeping up with new technology and online trends can be difficult. Sign up for Alerts to receive important information to help keep your family safe online.

Sign up for Alerts

Our Support Network is supported by the following contributors and government allies.

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Be a part of something big. As a registered charitable organization, the Canadian Centre for Child Protection (C3P), which operates, relies on donations to help us offer our programs and services to the public. You can support us in helping families and protecting children.

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